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Greg Ingraham led the planning, community and stakeholder input and preparation of the public art plan and place-making strategy for Lanesboro, Minnesota (an Artplace America grant recipient). The depth of community input was exceptional. All K-12 students in Lanesboro provided input at age tailored hands-on events, general public input was extensive and the plan was directed by a knowledgeable and engaged local steering committee. Planning partners included Lanesboro Arts, HKGI and Forecast Public Art. The Lanesboro Arts Campus is an economic and community development initiative to infuse the arts into the social and municipal infrastructure of the community. The Arts Campus Plan has a city-wide plan for public art and detailed concept plans for key focus areas.  Link to the Plan -

Client: Lanesboro Arts

Type: Public art and place-making plan

Services: Analysis, client, stakeholder and community input, community public art plan and concept plans for key art focus areas


Location: Lanesboro, Minnesota 

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